Praying in the Night

I used to have a lot of trouble sleeping.

Sometimes I woke up 3 or 4 times a night.

I would usually look at my phone, get up and walk around the house, or read before trying to go back to sleep.

Sometimes I would pray or read my bible.

Mostly, though, I just played on my phone.


Over time I began to sense that maybe the Lord was trying to talk to me during these wakeful moments.

I wasn’t sure, so I typically would just go back to sleep.


Then one day while doing my daily bible study I came upon this verse:

On my bed I remember You;
    I think of You through the watches of the night.Psalm 63:6 NIV


It was then I realized that not only was that probably the Lord prompting me, but that we are actually supposed to focus on Him as we are drifting off to sleep.


I read some cross-reference verses for this (what I call chasing a verse) and came across these:

My eyes stay open through the watches of the night,
    that I may meditate on Your promises.Psalm 119:148 NIV

By day the Lord directs His love,
    at night His song is with me—
    a prayer to the God of my life. -Psalm 42:8 NIV

I will praise the Lord, Who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me. -Psalm 16:7 NIV



Finally, it hit me – my waking up at night is a purposeful opportunity.

Instead of wasting time by playing on my phone or watching tv, I should be praying and meditating on God and His word.


In the wee, small hours when the house is quiet, I am quiet, and there is nothing to distract me, is the perfect time for God and me to have a conversation.


So, I started praying during those times.

Nothing fancy.

Just thanking Him for things that had happened that day.

Discussing with Him things that I was concerned about.


Before long, I realized that I was having some of my best prayer times ever.

Real, heart-felt vulnerable prayers.

Prayers that shared the deepest feelings I have.


When I wasn’t praying I spent time thinking about Scriptures I’d read that day – what it meant and how it applied to me.


I also spent time just thinking about God, His character, and His will, both for mankind and for me.


It didn’t take long for me to see the fruits of these things.


I wake up each morning more clearly focused on God and His will for me.

I’m learning and understanding things about God and His word much more deeply.

I’m sleeping better.

My nightmares and weird dreams are gone.

I’m not waking up nearly as often as I was.

I’m also better able to hear His promptings during the day.


All in all, I am feeling closer to Him.


Now, when I wake up in the middle of the night my mind goes straight to praying and talking to the Lord, listening in case He is trying to tell me something.


I have also started focusing solely on God as I lie down for the night.


I think about the Scripture I read that day.

I thank Him for the good things that happened that day.

I praise Him for His mercy and goodness.


As I drift off to sleep, I thank Him for loving me and protecting me.

Then, I sleep peacefully all night long.



In the night, Lord, I remember Your name,
that I may keep Your law. –Psalm 119:55 NIV




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Posted April 8, 2021 by Karen Gamble in category "God", "Life", "Prayer

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