
For several years now I’ve had the habit of journaling.

Typically, I do it first thing in the morning before I start my day.

I’ve found that writing before the world has a chance to distract me means that my truer, unguarded self comes out on the page.


Sometimes, I vent about people and events.

Sometimes I remind myself I need to buy milk.

Always. by the end of the second page I find God there.

As I’m listing my thoughts I begin to think about and then ask the Lord’s opinion on things.

I begin to become aware of where He’s working in my life and where I need to pray and ask Him to intervene and help me.


Some days I write 3 pages, some days I write 10.

Always, I make a point of laying aside all pretenses and focusing on being my true self, writing my real feelings.

This has not always been easy.

I’ve learned that I had a habit of doing, saying, and feeling what I thought I was “supposed to” as a Christian.

Writing these pages has shown me I am supposed to be my authentic self and that God loves me as is, no matter what.

Letting go of this fake self has caused me to draw closer to Him because I know He accepts me.

It has also given me the courage to share more of my intimate secrets with Him, to share my deepest inner self, and to be vulnerable before Him.


When I looked back at older pages I began to see that as the real me emerged, I was learning to see and speak the truth – about God, about me, about others.

Reading the old pages I have seen gained wisdom, healing, and courage on my part..

I’ve seen mercy, grace, and help on God’s part.

These old pages have given me a glimpse into where God was working that I couldn’t really see at the time.

It’s revealed patterns of growth.


All in all, the pages have drawn me closer to God, matured me, and released me from so many hard feelings I’ve been carrying.


It hasn’t been easy.

The enemy has fought me to keep me from writing them.

My pride and flesh have tried to convince me not to expose my heart and bare my soul.

Learning to be open and vulnerable as I’m brutally honest with myself before the Lord has been scary.

In spite of these things, I’ve hung in there and fought to keep going.

The fight has definitely been worth it!

A lot of healing has taken place on these pages.

I’ve grieved the loss of loved ones, processed my feelings about my past choices, learned to forgive those who’ve hurt me.


Mostly, though, they have given me a chance to sit with Jesus and review my situation, to laugh, to cry, to learn, to grow.

I am thankful for these pages and wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world!



Journaling doesn’t take any special skills. Just a pen, some paper, and the courage to write down what’s on your mind while being brave enough to speak the truth..

I hope you’ll take a few minutes to sit before the Lord with a pen in hand and see where it leads you!




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Posted October 27, 2022 by Karen Gamble in category "God", "Journaling", "Life", "Trust", "Truth

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