
For several years now I’ve had the habit of journaling.

Typically, I do it first thing in the morning before I start my day.

I’ve found that writing before the world has a chance to distract me means that my truer, unguarded self comes out on the page.


Sometimes, I vent about people and events.

Sometimes I remind myself I need to buy milk.

Always. by the end of the second page I find God there.

As I’m listing my thoughts I begin to think about and then ask the Lord’s opinion on things.

I begin to become aware of where He’s working in my life and where I need to pray and ask Him to intervene and help me.


Some days I write 3 pages, some days I write 10.

Always, I make a point of laying aside all pretenses and focusing on being my true self, writing my real feelings.

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Proverbs 20:5

During my quiet time I was reading Proverbs, chapter 20.

Verse 5 really spoke to me:

The purposes of a man’s heart are deep waters,
but a man of understanding draws them out. (NIV)


It reminded me of my morning journaling and how I use those pages to take the thoughts and concerns of my heart before the Lord.

Journaling gives me a chance to spread my true feelings and thoughts out and examine them as I seek guidance and wisdom both through prayer and through searching Scriptures for verses that speak to each situation.

The purposes (or motives) of my heart are not always pure.

Sometimes they need adjusted. I need reminded to bring them into alignment with God’s will. I need convicted of, and corrected for, my sinful thoughts and selfish ideas.

The feelings run deep. Deep hurts. Deep fears. Deep imperfections. Deep hungers.

Bringing them out to allow Christ to shine the light of Truth on them means He can show me where to change, what to adjust, where to keep on keeping on.

This helps me to become more like Christ and to be in a better position to serve the Kingdom.

It allows me to become who God has called me to be.

It is this spreading out before the Lord that allows those feelings to be sorted, healed, and dealt with. It allows Him to remind me that He loves me and that He has each situation under control and on track, even when I can’t see Him working.

That’s a great reassurance to me because I know that means God is taking care of me in all these situations and all I have to do is trust Him as He works all things together for good.

He’s a good God and He will take care of those who love Him!


What about You?

Do you have a method you use to draw out your heart thoughts so you can bring them into alignment with Christ and with God’s will for your life?

If so, I’d love for you to tell me about it in the comments below.