Looking At Judas

Looking at Judas Iscariot I sometimes see myself.

Judas turned his back on Jesus in search of personal gain., choosing to put self and money first.

He even went so far as to betray Jesus by telling the Pharisees where to catch Him so they could arrest Him.


I may not try to get Jesus arrested, but every time I turn my attention to the world and it’s shiny objects, making them more important than my faith walk, I betray Him.

Every time I choose to spend time watching t.v. but decide I’m too tired or don’t have time to read my bible, I betray Jesus.

Every time I say I don’t have tithe money but go out to eat or shopping, I steal from Jesus.

Every time I do it my way instead of submitting to His will, I choose self over Jesus.


The answer is simple, really

Give Jesus the attention He deserves.

Give Him the first of my time and money, not the leftovers.

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Belonging to God

I was reading a bible study book and it mentioned Psalm 100:3, which says:

Know that the Lord is God.
    It is He who made us, and we are His;
    we are His people, the sheep of His pasture. (NIV)


There’s a lot of good stuff in this verse, but what really stuck out to me was the second line –

It is He who made us, and we are His,


According to this verse, it is God who made us.

We weren’t made by accident. We didn’t suddenly just exist.

We didn’t evolve from slime somewhere.

God made us.

On purpose.

He meant to do it.


Because God has made us, we belong to Him.

We are His people.

This means we aren’t our own.

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Lenten Season 2021

Today is Ash Wednesday.

It is the first day of the Lenten season, often called Lent.

Lent is the 40 days (not counting Sundays) leading up to Easter.

Lent is a time of reflection.. It is meant to remind us that we are by nature sinful and that we need Jesus’ sacrifice at Calvary to save us from our sins and to restore our relationship with God.

It is also an opportunity for us to examine ourselves to see whether we are living our lives in a way that is pleasing to God.

Some people fast during this time.

There are several reasons they do this.

Many are following the examples throughout Scripture when men have fasted as a way of showing repentance, to seek God’s favor, receive answer to a prayer during a difficult time, or to show they are grieving..

Some fast to show they realize the seriousness of their sin and their appreciation of the Spiritual life Christ offered us when He was crucified.

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The Face of Humility

Today a lady came by my office seeking help.

She’d been sent by another church who knew we have a homeless ministry.

It seems she and her 37-year-old son had been evicted from their apartment following some sad events concerning a questionable landlord.

I apologized as I explained we had no funds available and would not be able to help.

In a trembling voice, she said it was ok; she understood.

Tears fell down her face when I offered to pray for her.

As I prayed I remembered we had a few gift cards to a local restaurant and offered them to her, asking if she was hungry.

Her humble reply, “Well, we haven’t eaten in about 3 days, but that’s okay.” Her humble and gentle demeanor made it clear she really was in need.

I gave her the cards and rounded up a few cans of soup from the storage area.

She was so thankful, repeatedly telling me she appreciated it and thanking me for my kindness.

Feeling bad that I couldn’t do more for her, I gave her the number to a local Christian homeless shelter and apologized again that we couldn’t help.

She looked me straight in the eye, smiled, and said,

“That’s okay. God gave me

what I deserved today and it’s plenty.

We’ll be just fine.”

She left my office smiling.

Plenty? A gift certificate and a few cans of soup and she thinks it’s plenty? She and her disabled son are homeless and she thinks that’s plenty? What a testament to her faith!

Later, I sat at my desk and thought about how kind, gentle, and sweet she was. I kept thinking about what a bad spot she was in through no fault of her own. How humbly she’d accepted my small offerings with great appreciation and gratitude.

It dawned on me – I’m the one who should be thanking her.

She reminded me of the importance of a humble attitude of gratitude.

I might be the one sitting in this office assigned with the task of showing God’s love, but this lady showed me what true humility and love for the Savior really looks like.

So, thank you, Ms. Kathy.

It was an honor and a privilege to meet you!

Your witness is truly an inspiration for us all!



(this post was originally published on my previous blog, the link to which is no longer available)





Proverbs 20:5

During my quiet time I was reading Proverbs, chapter 20.

Verse 5 really spoke to me:

The purposes of a man’s heart are deep waters,
but a man of understanding draws them out. (NIV)


It reminded me of my morning journaling and how I use those pages to take the thoughts and concerns of my heart before the Lord.

Journaling gives me a chance to spread my true feelings and thoughts out and examine them as I seek guidance and wisdom both through prayer and through searching Scriptures for verses that speak to each situation.

The purposes (or motives) of my heart are not always pure.

Sometimes they need adjusted. I need reminded to bring them into alignment with God’s will. I need convicted of, and corrected for, my sinful thoughts and selfish ideas.

The feelings run deep. Deep hurts. Deep fears. Deep imperfections. Deep hungers.

Bringing them out to allow Christ to shine the light of Truth on them means He can show me where to change, what to adjust, where to keep on keeping on.

This helps me to become more like Christ and to be in a better position to serve the Kingdom.

It allows me to become who God has called me to be.

It is this spreading out before the Lord that allows those feelings to be sorted, healed, and dealt with. It allows Him to remind me that He loves me and that He has each situation under control and on track, even when I can’t see Him working.

That’s a great reassurance to me because I know that means God is taking care of me in all these situations and all I have to do is trust Him as He works all things together for good.

He’s a good God and He will take care of those who love Him!


What about You?

Do you have a method you use to draw out your heart thoughts so you can bring them into alignment with Christ and with God’s will for your life?

If so, I’d love for you to tell me about it in the comments below.


Sermon Notes – May 5, 2019

This past Sunday our pastor talked about Hebrews chapter 7.

He mentioned that when Jesus started His ministry the Jews believed they were in good standing with God because they carefully followed the law, had a royal priesthood, gave proper animal sacrifices, ate the prescribed Jewish diet, and gave the exact amount of tithes the law called for.

They were doing all the right outward things God’s law had said to do and assumed they were therefore okay.

Then Jesus Christ came along and told them they were wrong because they were doing all the right and “clean” things on the outside – BUT – they hadn’t changed on the inside.

Instead of being humble before the Lord and following the law as an acknowledgement of God’s greatness and their position below Him, they were puffed up with pride at how well they were following the law and  presumed they were therefore of great importance.

They were being legalistic and giving external conformity without inner surrender, conformity, or submission.

In short, they had changed on the outside but not the inside.

When Christ was here on earth He, being fully man yet fully God, looked like everyone else on the outside – BUT – on the inside He was different than those around Him.

God asks the same of us.

God calls us to be different on the inside.

God calls for inner conformity, obedience, submission, honesty, integrity, and humility. Not because we are that great, but because Christ is and as Christians we are to model ourselves after Him.

1 Samuel 16:7 tells us that the Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

It is this inner part of us we are to pay attention to and work to bring in to obedience to Christ.

Yes, we are to dress modestly (more on that in another post!), but it’s not about what’s on the outside – it’s about what’s in your heart and who you are on the inside.

After explaining all of this the pastor asked these questions:

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Every year I choose one word to sum up my focus in the upcoming year. It’s a guide toward what I want to accomplish in the days ahead.

In past years I’ve chosen words like courage, balance, and freedom.

This year I chose RESOLVE.

RESOLVE – (verb) to settle or find a solution or answer for.

At first this word made a lot of sense because I am determined to get some things dealt with this year. I have some spiritual habits I want to improve and a few sinful habits I want to eliminate. I also want to take care of some situations going on that feel like they are undone and dangling.

But then as I looked the word up in the dictionary to get a better understanding of it, I saw that the word has a second meaning.

It also means to be determined or committed to making something happen.

Reading that I realized this is actually the part of this word that I need to focus on: being committed.

The two definitions go hand-in-hand. I have to resolve or determine and commit to make things happen.

I have to resolve to resolve these issues.

While I was thinking about how it might play out this year I started praying about what my verse for the year should be.

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