Praying the Psalms

I recently did a bible study that involved reading and praying through the book of Psalms.

As I was doing it, I began to see that virtually every verse in there is either a promise, a praise, or both.

Praying the book of Psalms is a tall order. It took working on it daily for a little over 4 months to get through it.

I didn’t try to rush.

I didn’t try to cover a lot of territory at one time.

I just paid careful attention to the verse I was on and the various parts of it.


The study started at chapter one so that’s where I started.

As I read each verse, I prayed it in one of several ways.

I either:

-Prayed it as it was written, which worked for a lot of the praise verses;

-Prayed, “help me not to…”,. whatever the verse was warning against doing;

-Prayed, “help me to….”, whatever the verse was saying we should do or be;

-Prayed, “show me when I act this way so I can correct it…”, whenever the verse was warning against certain unhealthy actions and attitudes


-Prayed, “help me to remember who You are”, whenever the verse declared His majesty or mentioned any of His traits, grace, or goodness.


It really opened my eyes to a lot of things.

I found that the farther along I went, the more aware I became of God’s good will toward us.

I began to feel more open to Him and to His love.

I also began to feel an urge to praise Him, even when I wasn’t reading a Psalm.

The more I read, the more I saw God’s character.

I saw clearly His desire for us as well as the way He wants to protect and bless us.


It took a long time to complete but I learned so much and it changed me in so many good ways.

I plan to try to do it at least once a year.

I’m certain the more I do it, the deeper my understanding and love for Him will become.


If you’ve never prayed the Psalms I highly recommend it.

If you can’t commit to the whole book then pick a chapter and try it.

There’s so much good stuff in there, you’ll be really glad you did!


Let me know if you have other ideas about how to pray the Psalms.

I’d love to try them!




For my post on praying scriptures in general, please see my post, Praying Scriptures





Prisoner Alert

One of my personal prayer focuses is Christians imprisoned around the world for the cause of Christ.

Currently, there are 23 known men around the world who are in prison for sharing their love of Jesus with others.


The website, PrisonerAlert, a ministry of the Voice of the Martyrs, lists these men by name and gives a brief biography of each as well as listing where they are held.

By clicking on the individual prisoner’s profile you can find a place where you can write them a letter of encouragement and/or petition a government official to ask them to release that prisoner.


Will you please pray for these men and ask God to strengthen, empower, embolden, and comfort them?

Will you also pray for their release?


It is my hope that through their experiences others will be drawn to a relationship with God and that rather than squashing faith in Christ, their imprisonment will cause the love of Jesus to spread far and wide as these men stand strong for what they believe in.



For more information, please visit the website


For information on countries which restrict Christianity or the sharing of the gospel, please visit The Voice of the Martyrs.


Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.Hebrews 13:3




Praying in the Night

I used to have a lot of trouble sleeping.

Sometimes I woke up 3 or 4 times a night.

I would usually look at my phone, get up and walk around the house, or read before trying to go back to sleep.

Sometimes I would pray or read my bible.

Mostly, though, I just played on my phone.


Over time I began to sense that maybe the Lord was trying to talk to me during these wakeful moments.

I wasn’t sure, so I typically would just go back to sleep.


Then one day while doing my daily bible study I came upon this verse:

On my bed I remember You;
    I think of You through the watches of the night.Psalm 63:6 NIV


It was then I realized that not only was that probably the Lord prompting me, but that we are actually supposed to focus on Him as we are drifting off to sleep.


I read some cross-reference verses for this (what I call chasing a verse) and came across these:

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Category: God, Life, Prayer | LEAVE A COMMENT

I Choose to Love Them

I look at this family member I dislike so much.

This person who has repeatedly and intentionally hurt and used me.

And I think how could anyone expect me to love someone so detestable?


But then a small still voice whispers,

“the same way I could love you,

not because you deserve it

but because love conquers all

and covers a multitude of sins.”


…and in that moment I’m brought back to the reality of my salvation.

A reality that forces me to remember it’s not about whether they are good enough to be loved.

It’s about whether or not I am willing to love just because I have the chance.

So I choose to.

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International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church 2020

Tomorrow is International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.

Traditionally celebrated on the first Sunday of November, it’s purpose is to highlight the need to pray for our Christian Brothers and Sisters around the world who are not free to openly worship Christ.

Please spend some time this weekend praying for the Persecuted Church.

More information may be found at Voice of the Martyrs.

They have information on ways to pray as well as opportunities to write to Christians inprisoned for their faith.

They also have a phone app called, Pray Today. This app offers a daily prayer prompt for people groups and countries in need of prayer due to the religious persecution they face.

It can be found in your app store or visit their website by clicking here.


Today’s World

I haven’t said anything about what’s been going on in the world lately because I don’t believe in saying anything bad and I don’t believe in giving my opinion unless doing so will be helpful.

The more this has gone on, though, the more I feel the need to say something.

I want to speak some truth about the current world situation.


The  truth of our world’s current crisis is this:

The world is broken and will never be completely fixed until Jesus comes back.

Because of this, there is always going to be something bad going on in the world.

That doesn’t mean it is okay that these things are going on.

It doesn’t mean we should just accept it, turn a blind eye, and keep going.

On the contrary, we should be fighting against these terrible injustices wherever and whenever they rear their ugly heads.


The thing is, these dramas and traumas are only symptoms of the problem.

The problem is people have turned away from God and are now doing what is pleasing in their own sight instead of trying to honor God and do what He wants.

Society has turned from God’s truth and focused on chasing sin.


We’ve lost sight of what Jesus said are the first and second greatest commandments.


In Matthew chapter 22 the Pharisees were trying to test Jesus.

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P.R.A.Y. Sheet

I’ve created a handy reference to guide you through the steps of prayer.

It is based on the letters of the word PRAY:


Praise – Praise and thank God for all He has done, is doing, and will do for you and those around you. Praise Him for His goodness, His grace and mercy, His character, anything about Him that is good. 

    If you want to find phrases to use, look through the book of Psalms. It is full of things to praise God for. 


Repent – Confess anything you need to, either that you knew before you started praying, or that comes up as you are praying and praising God. 

    Repent – to agree with God that the action was wrong, that He is right, to apologize to Him, and to commit to not do it again.


Ask – Make any requests you have for you or for others. 

Share with God anything that is on your heart, or that you feel you need to talk to Him about, both good and bad, big or small. 


Yes – Commit to doing, changing, improving, stopping anything you feel prompted or led to. 

    Agree to follow God and His path, and to improve your serve and commitment to Him. 


Close with a few words of thanking God for hearing your prayer and for listening to you. Tell Him how you appreciate the gift of being able to come to Him at any time.



I hope the simple explanations this sheet contains will help you in your prayer life.

Feel free to download a copy and tuck it in your Bible or prayer journal.


Free Downloadable/Printable  PRAY Sheet PDF


This P.R.A.Y. sheet was written as part of my lesson outline on How to Pray.

Free Downloadable/Printable How to Pray Lesson Outline PDF


A list of all available lessons can be found on my Lessons Outlines page




Praying Personalized Scripture – Sunday School Outline

Today’s Lesson is part review, part mash-up of previous lessons. 

We’ve studied how to pray. (read that post here)

We’ve looked at what Scripture is and how to study it. (Read those posts here and here)

Today we are going to combine the two.

Today we are going to practice praying Scripture. 

There are several reasons why we might do this.

It honors God and shows Him we are paying attention to His Word, the Bible, and that we have respect for both it and Him.

It brings us closer to God.
     We can better see how the Scriptures were written for us and that He does understand us.
          Because Jesus came to earth as a man He knows first hand what it’s like to live in this fallen world. 

     It helps us see that Scripture does apply to and affect us.
          Seeing how relevant to us they are makes obeying them easier.

Because the Scriptures are God’s own Word, we know that if we are praying the Scripture we are asking for things that God has already offered, mentioned, suggested, and instructed us about. 
     This means we are praying in God’s will!

As you are going through the Scripture you will see that some, especially in the Psalms, are already written first-person. 

Those are easy to pray. 
     You just pray them as they are written.

This exercise will help you with the ones that aren’t. 

Here’s how to do it:

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International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church 2019

There are several countries and regions of the world where Christianity is prohibited.

Because of this, many Christians in these areas are not free to openly worship God or serve Christ.

They are displaced from their homes and villages, discriminated against, beaten, and in some cases killed simply for believing in Jesus.

Today Christians around the world are joining together and praying for these brothers and sisters who are suffering greatly for their faith.

Please help us pray for their safety as well as for governments and countries to change and allow religious freedom.

Visit Voice of the Martyrs where you can learn more as well as receive resources to help you share this important ministry.



See You At the Pole 2019


7 a.m. (local time)

Please pray for the students who will be expressing their faith by gathering at their school’s flag pole this morning


if My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV)


For more information, please see the See You At the Pole website