What Is Easter?
Easter, also called Resurrection Sunday, is the day we celebrate that Jesus rose from the dead, gaining victory over sin, death, and the grave.
Jesus had been killed by crucifixion on a Friday.
Early on the following Sunday morning some women who had been Jesus’ followers, came to His tomb with prepared spices.
They were planning to properly anoint His body for burial.
They’d been unable to do it right after the crucifixion because the Sabbath started at dusk Friday and lasted until dusk Saturday.
During this time they were not allowed to do any work due to Jewish law.
When the women got to the tomb the stone blocking the entrance had been rolled away.
Jesus’ body was not there.
The tomb was empty except for the linens Jesus’ body had been wrapped in when placed there late Friday afternoon..
There was an angel there at the tomb.
The angel spoke to them: