Looking At Judas

Looking at Judas Iscariot I sometimes see myself.

Judas turned his back on Jesus in search of personal gain., choosing to put self and money first.

He even went so far as to betray Jesus by telling the Pharisees where to catch Him so they could arrest Him.


I may not try to get Jesus arrested, but every time I turn my attention to the world and it’s shiny objects, making them more important than my faith walk, I betray Him.

Every time I choose to spend time watching t.v. but decide I’m too tired or don’t have time to read my bible, I betray Jesus.

Every time I say I don’t have tithe money but go out to eat or shopping, I steal from Jesus.

Every time I do it my way instead of submitting to His will, I choose self over Jesus.


The answer is simple, really

Give Jesus the attention He deserves.

Give Him the first of my time and money, not the leftovers.

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Why Easter’s Date Changes

It seems like Easter is never on the same Sunday.

In some years it’s in March and in others it’s in April.

There’s a reason for that.

Not long after Christ died there was disagreement among Christians about when Easter should be celebrated.

Because the original Crucifixion had happened at Passover, many people felt it should be held close to that.

Others felt it wasn’t right to tie a Christian holiday (Easter) to a Jewish one (Passover).

After a lot of arguing the decision was made by the First Council of Nicene to use a set standard to calculate Easter each year.

The standard is that Easter is held on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the Spring Equinox.

This is very similar to how Passover is calculated.

Passover typically begins on the evening of the first full moon after the Spring Equinox.


There is one big difference, though.

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What Are You Seeking First?

When I was first learning to walk with the Lord, I struggled to maintain a good connection with Him.

Life and the things in it kept getting in the way.

Kids, work, laundry, even church commitments consumed me.

It wasn’t that I wasn’t trying.

I was.

It’s that there was just so much going on that I felt like I was drowning.

Then I saw this verse:

33 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33 NIV

It really got my attention, but it took a while for me to understand it.


I finally realized that I was seeking the kingdom, and the Father, second.

Yes I was praying and studying – a lot.

But I was cramming it into whatever spare time I had.

Reading a bit here and there.


Most of my prayers were, “:please help me to get to work on time,”, as I ran out the door, breakfast in one hand, a to-do list in the other.

I would pray and go over my church’s prayer list while washing dishes.

Even my quiet times were overshadowed by my long list of to-dos and the struggles of the day.

Then one day the Lord showed me it was because I was doing it backwards.


Instead of reaching out through all the pressures and demands of life to try to reach Him, I needed to set all of that down, step aside from them, and just get alone with God.

No agenda.

No prayer list.

Just one-on-one time with Him, sitting in His presence and soaking up His love.

Just the two of us, to get me back on the path.


Standing with Him as I looked at my life and began to focus on it from His perspective, I realized that I had things a bit askew.

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Sanctity of Human Life 2024

Monday, January 22nd is the National Sanctity of Human Life Day.

This date was chosen by then-President Ronald Reagan, who issued a Proclamation on January 13, 1984.

He chose January 22nd because that is the anniversary of when the Supreme Court legalized abortion in all 50 states. They had done so January 22, 1973.

Every year churches around the country use the third Sunday of January or the one nearest the 22nd as Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.

On that day, the churches remember those lost to abortion, pray for women who have gotten abortions, and recommit to fighting against this unholy practice.

Please consider observing this important time, both in your church and in your personal life.


If you or someone you love is struggling with a pregnancy situation, please seek out a local pregnancy resource center. There are many all over the country who also value your baby’s life and can help you walk through the steps to find the help you need to carry the baby to term.

There are many online resources that can help you find all sorts of help as well as teach you how to take care of yourself and the baby both before and after it arrives.

There are also many loving couples out there who would love to adopt your newborn.

If you need help locating resources or just want to talk about your options please send me an email (click here.) I can email, text, zoom, skype, or talk on the phone at any time day or night. I am always here for you.

Please consider these options instead of ending the child’s life before it has had a chance to begin. You never know what kind of beautiful plans and blessings God has for you and that child.

Let him or her grow and show you just how beautiful life can be.


Please know that if you have participated in an abortion, I don’t judge you.

I know your heart is broken.

I want you to know that I see you, I love you, and I care.

I can’t imagine what you are feeling, but I can and will pray for you.


Resources to help you in this season:

Feminists For Life This pro-life group is focused on changing how society sees women so that women never have to make the decision to abort. They also provide emotional support to women who have experienced abortion.

Focus on the Family Resources Page A Christian ministry of Focus on the Family. It contains many links to various resources for both pregnant women and especially for those who have experienced abortion. Also contains a helpline so you can call and talk to someone.

Project Rachel – Hope after Abortion A Catholic organization that provides resources and support to those who’ve experienced abortion as well as those who love someone who has. Also provides pre-written prayers you can pray to help you heal.

Ramah International is a faith-based organization that seeks to help women heal from the trauma of abortion. Also contains resources for women struggling with the decision whether to maintain their pregnancy.



Prayer Template

Learning to pray can sometimes seem a bit overwhelming and/or intimidating, especially if it’s something you aren’t familiar with it.

Knowing where to start might even be confusing.

It doesn’t have to be.

It’s a process that takes time to learn but with practice it can be mastered.

In an effort to help you get started, I’ve created an example of what to say.


Don’t worry about getting prayer perfect from the start..

Instead, focus on praying from a place of honesty, vulnerability, and respect.

As time goes by, you’ll grow and get a better grasp of it.

(Don’t worry if you cant yet pray this whole thing. Just start with one part. As often as you’re able, add a part or parts until you can pray them all at once.)


Let’s pray:

Father, thank You for your goodness, grace, and mercy.

Thank you for ________ (mention something He has done for you -big or small-: something good that happened today or something that you are grateful for).

Mention why it was good – helpful, comforting, improved your life or someone else’s.

Do this as few or as many times as needed to discuss the things that come to you.


Thank you I can trust You with all parts of my life and that I don’t have to worry but can instead ask You for help in prayer.

Father, I pray for ________ (mention a person or situation you are concerned about).

Give as few or as many details as you are comfortable with.

Do this as few or as many times as needed to discuss the things that come to you.


Lord, I am struggling with ________ (mention some area of sin you are dealing with).

Give as few or as many details as you are comfortable with.

Will you please help me to overcome this?


Thank you I can trust You to help me with these struggles and that You are working on these situations, even when I can’t see it.

Thank you I can trust You to do what is best in each of these situations.


Please give me the courage, strength, and wisdom to follow You, Your way.


Thank you for loving me more than I can ever ask or imagine.

In Jesus name I pray, amen.

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Category: God | LEAVE A COMMENT

Happy Easter 2023

Happy Easter!

Let’s celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus and the wonderful gift of Eternal Life He bought for us!

Praise be to God the Father forevermore!


Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His love endures forever! – Psalm 118 and Psalm 136

To learn more about the Easter Season, please visit my Easter page, a compilation of previous Easter and Lent posts.



Category: God, Holiday | LEAVE A COMMENT

A Bittersweet Entry

I’ve been thinking a lot about the Palm Sunday story.

As well known as the story is, I think there is another side to it.

A side many people miss.

What they miss is seeing the day from Jesus’ point of view.


When people think about Palm Sunday, they usually think about how Jesus entered Jerusalem riding a colt with people laying palm branches before Him, shouting,

“Hosanna! Glory to God in the highest!” John 12:12-15 (NIV)


Many people loved Jesus so they cheered for Him loudly.

This was a very special and important time.

Jesus was declaring Himself king in a very humble way.

He was fulfilling prophecy that spoke of Him being the Messiah. (Zechariah 9:9)

It was a time of celebration.


That’s a very important part of the story.


What a lot of people don’t realize, though…

It was also a time of sadness.


A few minutes earlier, as Jesus was preparing to ride into Jerusalem, He looked on the city and cried.

He saw this city full of people He loved so much – people He was about to die for.

He knew that many of them did not love Him back and that many would perish because of this lack of love.

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Proverbs 17:9 Sunday School Lesson Outline

He who covers over an offense promotes love; 

But whoever repeats the matter separates close friends. Proverbs 17:9 (NIV)


What does it mean cover over an offense?

It means to respond with love, even when someone acts ugly, rude, or hateful.


The second line, whoever repeats the matter, means that it is talking about a specific incident.

So, what this verse is saying is when someone does or says something to offend or hurt us, we should respond with love.

If someone steps on my foot, for example, I have the choice to either say, it’s okay and let it go, or to fuss at them for it.


But, what if it’s something they did on purpose?

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Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten season.

It is a time we stop, examine ourselves, and reflect on what Jesus did for us when He died on the cross.

It is a time we stop and consider whether we are walking worthy of Christ or whether we need to repent and change how we do certain things, both big and small.

We do this by looking deep within ourselves to see whether there’s anything we need to bring to the Lord in prayer and repentance.

It is my hope that during this season you will take time to reflect on all Christ has done for us and will draw nearer to HIm than you’ve ever been as you remember the mercy He has shown us with His death, burial, and resurrection.


You might also like to read my post, What Is Ash Wednesday? or my post on the The Lenten Season.


To learn more about the Easter Season, please visit my Easter page, a compilation of previous Easter and Lent posts.





Proverbs 3:5-6 Sunday School Lesson Outline

Today’s verses are pretty well-known but they are good ones.

Turn to Proverbs 3:5-6:

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart

    and lean not on your own understanding;

6 in all your ways submit to Him,

    and He will make your paths straight. NIV


We are to trust in the Lord with all our hearts.

What does that mean?

It means completely, in every way, in every situation, with everything we care about

Our kids, our fears, wants, dreams, health, decisions, actions


There is nothing in our lives or hearts that we are not supposed to trust Jesus with.


What does it mean to lean not on your own understanding?

It means to put aside how you understand things.

It means to realize that you don’t have it all figured out, but God does.

It’s being wise enough to know that when we trust God we don’t have to even try to understand everything.

It is choosing to lean on His understanding of things instead of ours.

We only have to obey Him and trust He will work it and handle it, no matter what our “it” is.


Trusting the Lord with our whole heart is not easy.

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