My Bookshelf

I love to read.

I learn so much from books.

My favorites to read are Christian self-help, commentaries, and devotionals.

Reading what other people have experienced in their faith walk inspires and encourages me.

it also helps me to understand how I should live my life as a Christian.

With that in mind, I have created a list of books I’ve read that helped me better understand God, His Word, my faith, and how to better follow Him.

I hope they will help you, too.


Beauty for Ashes – Joyce Meyer – A good resource for those who have experienced extreme trauma, especially as a child or young adult. This book helps the reader begin the journey to healing and wholeness through trusting Christ with the hurts suffered.

Empowered By Praise – Michael Youssef – Explains what praising God really means, how it changes us, and how it draws us closer to God.

Fervent – Priscilla Shirer – This book talks about the importance of prayer and gives a good guideline on what to pray and how so that all areas of your life are covered.

Finding the Peace God Promises – Ann Spangler – God’s peace is available to us. This book shows God’s promises regarding His peace and how we can exchange our longings for those promises.

My Utmost For His Highest – Oswald Chambers – This devotion book includes short passages to read and think about each day. Each page is dated but you can read them in any order as you feel led.

Praying the Names of God – Ann Spangler – God has many names and titles. This book walks through them, where they are found in Scripture, and what they mean. It is set up as a 5-day lesson for each name and includes examples of ways to pray about each name.

Returning to Your First Love – Dr. Tony Evans – Sometimes in life we lose sight of our priorities. This book walks through how to put God back in focus and once again make Him our first love, like He should be.

Spiritual Warfare – Dr. Tony Evans – This book gives a good introduction to what spiritual warfare is, how it works, and what we can do to fight the enemy when he attacks.

The Promise: Experiencing God’s Greatest Gift – the Holy Spirit – Dr. Tony Evans – This book explains who the Holy Spirit is, how He operates, and the importance of understanding and listening to Him.


There are many other good books out there.

If you aren’t sure where to start, I recommend any book by these authors:

Alistair Begg

Dr. Tony Evans

Liz Curtis Higgs

Stormie O’Martain

Priscilla Shirer

Jan Silvious

Ann Spangler

Lisa Terkurst

Michael Youssef


There are many other good authors out there, but I strongly encourage you to pray before choosing what book to read or whose writings to trust.

Because they are just humans like you and me, it is important you pray about what you are reading and compare it to what Scripture says.

Never assume that just because they are Christians or popular that they are correct about everything. Only God is perfect and only His Word is correct all the time.


I realize that books can be expensive.

Many of the books I’ve read came from thrift stores, used book stores, and online used book sites.

Many libraries have programs that allow you to have books from other libraries transferred to your branch.

Wherever you get them, I hope you will take the time to read some (or all!) of these.

I pray they help you the way they helped me!


*I haven’t linked to the author’s actual site for each book because some authors don’t permit that.