What Are You Seeking First?

When I was first learning to walk with the Lord, I struggled to maintain a good connection with Him.

Life and the things in it kept getting in the way.

Kids, work, laundry, even church commitments consumed me.

It wasn’t that I wasn’t trying.

I was.

It’s that there was just so much going on that I felt like I was drowning.

Then I saw this verse:

33 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33 NIV

It really got my attention, but it took a while for me to understand it.


I finally realized that I was seeking the kingdom, and the Father, second.

Yes I was praying and studying – a lot.

But I was cramming it into whatever spare time I had.

Reading a bit here and there.


Most of my prayers were, “:please help me to get to work on time,”, as I ran out the door, breakfast in one hand, a to-do list in the other.

I would pray and go over my church’s prayer list while washing dishes.

Even my quiet times were overshadowed by my long list of to-dos and the struggles of the day.

Then one day the Lord showed me it was because I was doing it backwards.


Instead of reaching out through all the pressures and demands of life to try to reach Him, I needed to set all of that down, step aside from them, and just get alone with God.

No agenda.

No prayer list.

Just one-on-one time with Him, sitting in His presence and soaking up His love.

Just the two of us, to get me back on the path.


Standing with Him as I looked at my life and began to focus on it from His perspective, I realized that I had things a bit askew.

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Sanctity of Human Life 2024

Monday, January 22nd is the National Sanctity of Human Life Day.

This date was chosen by then-President Ronald Reagan, who issued a Proclamation on January 13, 1984.

He chose January 22nd because that is the anniversary of when the Supreme Court legalized abortion in all 50 states. They had done so January 22, 1973.

Every year churches around the country use the third Sunday of January or the one nearest the 22nd as Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.

On that day, the churches remember those lost to abortion, pray for women who have gotten abortions, and recommit to fighting against this unholy practice.

Please consider observing this important time, both in your church and in your personal life.


If you or someone you love is struggling with a pregnancy situation, please seek out a local pregnancy resource center. There are many all over the country who also value your baby’s life and can help you walk through the steps to find the help you need to carry the baby to term.

There are many online resources that can help you find all sorts of help as well as teach you how to take care of yourself and the baby both before and after it arrives.

There are also many loving couples out there who would love to adopt your newborn.

If you need help locating resources or just want to talk about your options please send me an email (click here.) I can email, text, zoom, skype, or talk on the phone at any time day or night. I am always here for you.

Please consider these options instead of ending the child’s life before it has had a chance to begin. You never know what kind of beautiful plans and blessings God has for you and that child.

Let him or her grow and show you just how beautiful life can be.


Please know that if you have participated in an abortion, I don’t judge you.

I know your heart is broken.

I want you to know that I see you, I love you, and I care.

I can’t imagine what you are feeling, but I can and will pray for you.


Resources to help you in this season:

Feminists For Life This pro-life group is focused on changing how society sees women so that women never have to make the decision to abort. They also provide emotional support to women who have experienced abortion.

Focus on the Family Resources Page A Christian ministry of Focus on the Family. It contains many links to various resources for both pregnant women and especially for those who have experienced abortion. Also contains a helpline so you can call and talk to someone.

Project Rachel – Hope after Abortion A Catholic organization that provides resources and support to those who’ve experienced abortion as well as those who love someone who has. Also provides pre-written prayers you can pray to help you heal.

Ramah International is a faith-based organization that seeks to help women heal from the trauma of abortion. Also contains resources for women struggling with the decision whether to maintain their pregnancy.



The Power of Example

The other night while sitting in a fast food restaurant a family came in.

Because they were sitting close to me I couldn’t help but hear their conversation.

The daughter, about 10, mistakenly thought she didn’t get her drink so she went up to the counter to ask for it.

When she returned with her drink, her mother pointed out the girl’s drink had been sitting on the table all along.

Pointing to the new drink in the girl’s hand, she added, “We were dishonest. That’s not our drink.” She went on to explain to the girl what the error was and why it was wrong.


I was impressed.


Most people wouldn’t have given it a second thought and would have either consumed or thrown away the extra drink.

Not this mom.

When this mom noticed the error she pointed it out and went the extra mile to make sure her daughter understood.


She realized the importance of being faithful in the little things.


It made me think about my own life.

Am I faithful in the little things?

Do I take care of the details?

Do I cheat others without meaning to because I’m not paying attention or think it’s no big deal?


To God it is a big deal.

We’re called to be faithful in the small things as well as the big ones.

Jesus said:
“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” ~ Luke 16:10


I doubt the mom realized what an impact her actions made not just on her family but on those around her.

I’m guessing she was solely focused on honoring God with her actions and parenting, but I heard and saw her witness loudly and clearly.


There’s a lesson there.

I need to pay more attention to the seemingly minor details because they truly matter, not just to me but to those around me as well.

As I go through the next week I will be paying careful attention to details to make sure I am faithful in the little things.

I hope you will, too.


(This post first appeared on my now defunct blog).


I Choose to Love Them

I look at this family member I dislike so much.

This person who has repeatedly and intentionally hurt and used me.

And I think how could anyone expect me to love someone so detestable?


But then a small still voice whispers,

“the same way I could love you,

not because you deserve it

but because love conquers all

and covers a multitude of sins.”


…and in that moment I’m brought back to the reality of my salvation.

A reality that forces me to remember it’s not about whether they are good enough to be loved.

It’s about whether or not I am willing to love just because I have the chance.

So I choose to.

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National Sanctity of Human Life Day 2021

Today is National Sanctity of Human Life Day.

It falls on the anniversary of the 1973 Roe vs. Wade court decision to legalize abortion in America.

Since that fateful day over 62 million babies have been aborted.

This is tragic.

As Christians, it is our job to reach out to the women who are considering abortion.*

We must address the issues that cause a woman to think this is her best choice.

What are these issues?

These issues are as varied as the women who experience them.

While they vary from woman to woman, they encompass social, emotional, financial, and domestic issues which create an atmosphere or experience causing her to think this is her best choice.

We can’t solve all the issues at once  but we can each solve an issue for one or a few.

We can all work on the bigger picture issues to help bring the kind of care and resources these women need – social and emotional support, financial support, changes in health care laws, safe housing for victims of domestic violence.

What can one person do?

One person can support their local pregnancy center with money, diapers, baby clothes, and/or volunteer time.

One person can write their local and national government officials and lobby for proper and increased resources.

One person can mentor a mother-to-be and walk her through the process of pregnancy, supporting her decision whether to keep the child or place it for adoption.

One person can pray and ask the Father to end abortion.

Each of us can do our part to help save a child’s life.

I urge you to pray and ask the Father to show you how you can help stem the tide of abortion.


*If you are considering or have experienced abortion, please know that I love you and I do not judge you. More importantly, God loves you. He wants to heal your heart about this decision. Please go to Him in prayer and trust that He will meet you there and He will heal you, if you will trust Him to.


There are resources out there to help you sort through your feelings. Several are listed below.

Feminists For Life This pro-life group is focused on changing how society sees women so that women never have to make the decision to abort. They also provide emotional support to women who have experienced abortion.

Focus on the Family Resources Page A Christian ministry of Focus on the Family. It contains many links to various resources for both pregnant women and those who have experienced abortion. Also contains a helpline so you can call and talk to someone.

Project Rachel – Hope after Abortion A Catholic organization that provides resources and support to those who’ve experienced abortion as well as those who love someone who has. Also provides pre-written prayers you can pray to help you heal.

Ramah International is a faith-based organization that seeks to help women heal from the trauma of abortion. Also contains resources for women struggling with the decision whether to maintain their pregnancy.



Today’s World

I haven’t said anything about what’s been going on in the world lately because I don’t believe in saying anything bad and I don’t believe in giving my opinion unless doing so will be helpful.

The more this has gone on, though, the more I feel the need to say something.

I want to speak some truth about the current world situation.


The  truth of our world’s current crisis is this:

The world is broken and will never be completely fixed until Jesus comes back.

Because of this, there is always going to be something bad going on in the world.

That doesn’t mean it is okay that these things are going on.

It doesn’t mean we should just accept it, turn a blind eye, and keep going.

On the contrary, we should be fighting against these terrible injustices wherever and whenever they rear their ugly heads.


The thing is, these dramas and traumas are only symptoms of the problem.

The problem is people have turned away from God and are now doing what is pleasing in their own sight instead of trying to honor God and do what He wants.

Society has turned from God’s truth and focused on chasing sin.


We’ve lost sight of what Jesus said are the first and second greatest commandments.


In Matthew chapter 22 the Pharisees were trying to test Jesus.

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International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church 2019

There are several countries and regions of the world where Christianity is prohibited.

Because of this, many Christians in these areas are not free to openly worship God or serve Christ.

They are displaced from their homes and villages, discriminated against, beaten, and in some cases killed simply for believing in Jesus.

Today Christians around the world are joining together and praying for these brothers and sisters who are suffering greatly for their faith.

Please help us pray for their safety as well as for governments and countries to change and allow religious freedom.

Visit Voice of the Martyrs where you can learn more as well as receive resources to help you share this important ministry.



This Thing I Do

I was talking to my good friend, MHR, about this blog.

She’s the first person I’ve shown it to and I was nervous.

Would she like it?

Would she think it’s too cheesy?

Is it offensive?

Is it total garbage?

I was relieved to learn she likes it and plans to keep reading it!

She had a lot of good things to say. Encouraging things.

Her good words have inspired me to try harder. To write more.

She even inspired me to finish the books I’m writing.

Yes, I am going to finish them. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. And write others, too! (Thanks for the encouragement MHR!)

I’m very thankful she was so encouraging to me and appreciate her friendship so much.

Her support makes it easier for me to keep doing this blog.

I do it for 2 reasons:

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“It’s On the House!”

The other night I went to my favorite restaurant for dinner.

It’s the type where you walk down the line, cafeteria-style, as they build your meal.

One of the employees is a good friend of mine. She just happened to be working.

When she asked me how I was, I said, “fine,”.

She knows me well enough to know that wasn’t true so she said, “Really?”

I explained I’d been out of town for a week and was trying to get back in the swing of things.

Then it happened.

I blurted out the truth: “My brother died.”

I followed it up with a few sentences of explanation concerning his young age and drug use.

She was very kind and empathetic, encouraging me to call or text her later so we could talk.

I thanked her and changed the subject.

When it came time to pay, the Shift Manager, who’d been standing with us when we had that conversation, handed me my meal and said,

“It’s on the House!”

I told him he didn’t have to do that and offered to pay.

He looked me in the eye and said, “No, take it. And have a blessed night, okay?”

When he said that, I immediately felt the Holy Spirit’s presence. In that instant I felt so loved! Such peace washed over me.

Something inside me clicked. I suddenly felt such peace about Matt’s passing. I felt such healing and relief.

There is no doubt in my mind God used this brother-in-the-faith to minister to and comfort me.

Who knew that the simple act of giving someone a free meal, just because they could, would change someone’s outlook and bring them such peace, healing, comfort, and relief?

I am so thankful for those Christians out there who love on others just because they can. They do things to help them, not for gain, but for the simple pleasure of doing good.

What joy they sow in the lives of others!

I’m so thankful the Lord chose to use a “regular Joe” to reach out to me in my pain and love me. He truly was the hands of Christ that day.

I pray God will bless him for his gift to me and I pray God will allow me to love others the way he loved me!



Matthew A. T.

November 2, 1981 – April 6, 2019

Please remember my family in prayer as we lay my brother to rest.