Belonging to God

I was reading a bible study book and it mentioned Psalm 100:3, which says:

Know that the Lord is God.
    It is He who made us, and we are His;
    we are His people, the sheep of His pasture. (NIV)


There’s a lot of good stuff in this verse, but what really stuck out to me was the second line –

It is He who made us, and we are His,


According to this verse, it is God who made us.

We weren’t made by accident. We didn’t suddenly just exist.

We didn’t evolve from slime somewhere.

God made us.

On purpose.

He meant to do it.


Because God has made us, we belong to Him.

We are His people.

This means we aren’t our own.

We don’t belong to ourselves.

We belong to Him.


Not belonging to ourselves means we don’t have control or final say over our own lives no matter how much we might think we do nor how much society and culture might proclaim it.

Because we belong to God, who made us, He has authority over us, our lives, our situations, and our circumstances.


This can be hard to understand and accept.


In some ways, especially if we have previously been in a traumatic or dysfunctional relationship, we might find the thought of belonging to God and giving Him total control of our lives as threatening.

Fear and lack of trust may grip us and cause us to want to keep our distance from Him, to maintain some control over at least a few things as a way of protecting ourselves.

As tempting as it may be, this is the exact opposite of what we need to do.

Instead of holding back and trying to protect ourselves or to limit God’s access to our lives, we need to fling it open and invite Him into all aspects of our lives, both the good and the bad parts.


God is not like the people we have (or had) in our lives.

God doesn’t want to hurt us.

He wants only what is best for us,

He wants to protect and nurture us.

People may say they have our best interests in mind, and really mean it, but as humans they will make mistakes and hurt us.

God’s not like that.

He doesn’t make mistakes and He will not cause us harm.


Instead, He wants to show us the best way to live and He wants to mature us.

He wants to be in a close relationship with us, leading us down paths of righteousness that will be good for us and will bring Him glory.


Letting go, giving ourselves to God, and disarming ourselves enough to let Him “win” and run the show is not a threatening thing.

It is an opportunity- an opportunity for hope, for being protected by the One, True, God – the Only One who can actually, truly take care of us.


The truth is – we already belong to Him – we’re already His.

Why not give in and stop fighting against what is true, what is best for us, and what will ultimately lead to a better life and a closer walk with the One who loves us?

Why not invite Him in to all aspects of our lives and trust Him to take care of us in ways that no man (including ourselves) can?

Why not choose to face the reality that we are His, we belong to Him?


I encourage you to trust God with all aspects of your life today and to stop trying to withhold parts of yourself.

Trust in the One you belong to and let Him show you how allowing Him to take care of you and show you the best way to live all parts of your life can be the most hope-filled, comforting, rewarding choice you’ve ever made!



What are some of the areas you are holding back from God?

Will you surrender them to Him, allowing Him to lead you to truth and wholeness in those areas?



For further reading::

Psalm 16:3
Psalm 18:2
Psalm 100
Psalm 103
Psalm 107





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Posted February 25, 2021 by Karen Gamble in category "Faith", "God", "Life", "Submission", "Trust

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